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End Time Message

Sun, Sep 17, 2023

Weapons of Deception Pt.2

Duration:1 hr 27 mins 45 secs

Weapons of Deception Pt.2



     8   And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth (Notice how there are two revealing’s here - the revealing of the darkness of when the wicked one is revealed, and the revealing of the light by the spirit of the word from the mouth of God. And it is this light (which is the reveal word of this age) that will be the only thing that will have power over the darkness of this age), and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: (The coming of the light of the revealed word this hour is able to destroy the darkness of the deception of this age by the brightness of His coming)

     9   Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, (wonders that lie to you – miracles that attract the attention of the people but with lies associated with those miracles. This is Satan using the wonders of technology as a conduit to deceive the whole world)

     10   And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

**Religious people love the word of past and by gone ages (that is what denominational spirits are all about), but they don’t have a love for the revealed word of this hour that came by the spirit of God through the mouth of a vindicated prophet.

*And so because they don’t love the truth of what God has revealed for this day, then they are given over to a strong delusion to believe lies in whatever form they present themselves.

     11   And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

     12   That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

**Last week we spoke how that the meaning of this term “propaganda machine” is to do with the deliberate spread of certain ideas for the purpose of furthering one's cause as well as to damage any opposing cause.

ISAIAH 14:12-16

     12   How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

     13   For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

     14   I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

     15   Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

     16   They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;

*Satan has had a very focused purpose since his fall from the position of what God had made him, and that purpose was to become the god of this world over the human race, and of having human beings worship him, and he has at large achieved this purpose and has actually become the god of this evil age in the hearts of men by deceiving the whole world into thinking that he is God, and that he is to be worshiped as God.

*Satan has taken the worship of what should have been given to the true God, he has deceived the people of the entire world into giving that worship to him.

*Through science and technology, he has developed and advanced his propaganda weapons of deception on a scale that this world has never seen before. And he has now got his propaganda machine operating to its full potential in order to fulfill his great goal of deceiving the whole world into worshiping him as God.

REVELATION 13:13-14 (Picking up from last week)

     13   And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, (1945 – Two atomic bombs dropped on Japan. No one can deny that fire didn’t come down from heaven on these two cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They detonated these two bombs at around 1500 feet above the ground so that the fire blast would come down from the sky to cause the maximum amount of destruction)

     14   And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast (The miracle wasn’t so much the bomb itself, the miracle was the technology behind the atomic bomb. Miracles attract the attention of the people, and that is what technology does, it attracts the attention of the people because it seems so miraculous); saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

Look at how there was a message that followed after he had caught the attention of the world – the promotion of a denominational spirit.

**We know that this great propaganda machine of Satan in this age is for the purpose of influencing and changing the thinking of the people of the earth by the power of being able to broadcast large amounts of information by the miracles of the technologies of this age to the masses of people through the conduit of the internet with Movies, and Radio, Television, an Facebook and Twitter, etc. All these things have become a new language to us of what has never been known before this time.

*So we are living in an age where the propagation of information through words and pictures is on a mass scale of what this technology has allowed, so that information can be spread to vast amounts of people across the entire world very quickly, and influence them very quickly. And we know that not everything that you read on the internet is true, and so the people of the world are often being lied to and influence in their thinking to believe in certain lies as if they are truth – and they don’t have the absolute of the revealed word of this hour to judge truth by.

And this is the world that we are now living in.

****The people of this modern and evil age are becoming mature in their relationship with sin and unbelief by laying in the presence of all the fake news of the influence of Hollywood and the opinions of man and the revealing of Lucifer to his subjects.

It is just one big propaganda machine of Satan of how he is deceiving the whole world. He told Jesus that he had power to do with the nations of what he wanted to do.

***So Satan’s third pull message is the message of lies and deception for the purpose to unite the people of the world to himself in marriage by them coming into agreement with his lies, so that he will become their god who leads them and guides them and is worshiped by them.


     8   And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

     9   If any man have an ear, let him hear.

**Hear what? Hear the voice of the message for your age, the truth of the age, because that is the only thing that will be the standard against the deception for this age of when all that dwell upon the earth will worship Satan.


     12   And he (America) exerciseth all the power of the first beast (Rome) before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. (America would begin to have power and influence over the whole world like the Catholic Church did during the dark ages – we have seen this scripture fulfilled in our generation)

     13   And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, (1945 – Two atomic bombs dropped on Japan - fire came down from heaven on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They detonated these bombs at around 1500 feet above the ground so that the fire blast would come down and cause the maximum amount of destruction)

     14   And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast (As we have previously mentioned - These miracles were the result of the technology of the science behind these bombs. And miracles attract the attention of the people, and that is what technology does, it attracts the attention of the people because it looks like magic -it’s miraculous); saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. That is Satan’s third pull message – is to unite the people of the world with this image. An image is something that you visualize, like an ideology of an idea.

*This is what Nazism was, it was an ideology that was a doctrine that captivated the minds of the people that deceived them, and it caused their nation to be responsible for the death of six million Jews.

**Satan has three pulls just as God used 3 pulls in Brother Branham’s ministry.

*Satan’s first pull was like the sign in the hand – the hand is the flesh realm of which was the attraction of Hollywood and the flappers along with their Hollywood stage performances that attracted the attention of the people by the display in the realm of the flesh.

*Then Satan’s second pull - the miracle of technology which was the fourth dimensional realm of vision – Television, like the visions of the prophet that revealed the secrets of the hearts of the people of where he could see into their past and future lives. So the same thing of television that reveals the people’s lives publicly through Satan’s visions.

*We can’t deny the attraction and the wonder and influence that this technology Tele – VISSION has had upon the masses.

**And notice how that this second pull of Satan makes the way for His third pull of the mass media influence in order for Him to reveal himself to the people so that he can become worship by them as God.

**The third pull of the opening of the word made a way for Christ to be revealed to his bride by the truth of the word, turning our souls back to the faith of what Adam had at the beginning. Whereas Satan’s third pull is producing complete deception and confusion in the hearts of his earthly bride so that they will unite with his lies like Eve united with his lie at the beginning.

**So both of these first two pulls of Satan attracted the attention of the world for the purpose of revealing himself to the people in his third pull ministry of all of his lies in order for him to be able to unite with the people of His earthly bride.

And he is doing this by the mystery all the fake news and lies that is being ministered to the masses of the people of the earth by his own 5 fold ministry of gifted Hollywood movie stars and Politicians and Scientists and Philosophers and Religious leaders all influencing the people away from the reveal truth of this age.

***How did Satan first unite Eve with himself in a false union? By getting her to believe the lie that he told her.

***Satan’s third pull is successfully producing complete deception and confusion among the masses. But God’s third pull is restoring the truth of the word in the hearts of the elect.


123     I heard Brother Neville say, this morning; someone might have been asking him why didn't I preach on the Holy Ghost, why didn't I do this. Here it is. The Holy Ghost is the action in you. It's a Life, not an emotion; not some sort of a fleshly evidence. But It is a Person, Jesus Christ, the Word of God established in your heart, to quicken every Word of this age. Right. Watch the Holy Ghost in action, not so much in demonstrations; but, in action, what It does according to the Word.

**What does it do in your life? It leads you to the truth for your day and then quickens that truth in your heart.


94     Man is rotten. The whole human race is corrupted. Everything is like it was in the antediluvian time. It's completely upset, turned around, different from the straight row that God planted them in. Sin, through science and deception, has twisted the whole human race.

*There are many different ways to lie to people, and all these ways are different weapons of deception.

*And then there are also different realms of deception that these different weapons of deception are used within those realms.

- Let’s look at some of these realms…

*There is the deception that is in the realm of morals.

*Look at the realm of the decline of dress morals of where for hundreds of years woman used to dress modestly as of what the bible taught. But then we have seen over the last 100 years how that Hollywood with the aid of their movie stars has used the weapon of the demoralization of woman’s dress that began with the flapper dress fashion and the ever-increasing display of flesh; they are all weapons of deception within that realm.


3-6   And what's happening to these... What's the matter with these little flappers on the street today, these little cigarette-sucking women, and short wearing, bobbed-haired flappers, and so forth? What's the matter with them? It's 'cause their mammy acted like that. It's visit the iniquity from one generation to the other. That's what it is. And what have we got? We've got to a place it's a conglomeration of nothing but messy sin.

4-1   That's the reason God has raised up Russia yonder with an atomic bomb to wipe her off like the antediluvian flood was, when He raised the clouds. Sure He has, and the Bible says so. Russia, the atheistic country that they are (atheistic), has absolutely playing just exactly in the hands of Almighty God. Just as King Nebuchadnezzar was to destroy Israel because they failed to walk with God, Russia's raising right up to avenge the saints of the Catholic church of the blood that she's shed of the saints. The Bible said so. It's going to take the whole thing.

4-2   So look here, if their mother was a chorus girl, and... Their grandmother, and her mother was a flapper, what's she today? A rock-and-roll striptease. What's her children going to be?

*And then there is deception in the scientific realm of what has been taught in our schools for many years of what has actually been false teaching - lying to innocent and impressionable children. Look at Darwinism, of all his ideas of evolution by natural selection that has been taught in the schools for many years to young children, come to find out that that was all wrong. That false teaching was a weapon of deception.

*And then there is all the deceptions in the religious realms – look at all the different religious denominations propagation all their religious confusion among the people of the world so that no one knows what is the truth anymore.

**All these are different weapons of deception within these different realms.


27     That deceitfulness of the church of today! See, "the son of perdition," the devil. "The son of perdition," the devil. Then, people worshiping Satan in this day, thinking they're worshiping God. But they're worshiping him through a creed, a man-made denominations and creeds that's brought the people right down to the greatest deception that the world has ever knowed of. No matter how much the Word of God promised for this day, is preached and vindicated, they still won't believe It. They won't believe It.


96     Now, we know that Satan's gospel is a gospel of science and progress. He preached it in Eden; not God; Satan did, the science of progress. Science and progress is Satan's gospel. Look where he's led us to today, with it. See?

***Its leading us into more and more unbelief of the word.

Physicist Michio Kaku, in his lectures will often mention how that “everything they taught you in school about science and the universe was wrong.”

In school they taught us that atoms were the smallest things in the universe – now with our greater understanding of quantum mechanics of subatomic particles, we know that that was wrong.

*They also taught us that all the matter in the universe is made up of atoms, but that is also proven to be wrong with the discovery that most of the universe is made up of this dark matter or dark energy, which is composed of particles that do not absorb, reflect, or emit light, so that they cannot be detected by direct observation.

*And right now, scientists are beginning to have grave concerns about the big bang theory, and this is because of the many galaxies that are now being discovered by the James Webb telescope. They have discovered many galaxies have mature stars in them that because of their age would have existed before the big bang.

Physicist Michio Kaku makes this interesting statement –

“Now, my favorite quote from Einstein is that if a theory cannot be explained to a child, the theory is probably useless. Meaning that all great theories are based on principles and pictures.

There’s a picture behind every great principle of science. But we never teach it that way. That’s not how we teach it at school. We teach it by memorization, and we confuse memorization with science. Science is not about memorization. It’s about principles and pictures.”

**In other words, our public-school system has largely based their education philosophy on how well people can memorize things and recall them, this is how they have chosen to measure intelligence – if you can comprehend and remember and recall information well, then you are smart?

Yet some of the greatest achievers did not always show themselves all that smart in school, because their smartness was being quantified wrong.

***This is why God sent a prophet with only a seventh-grade education, but yet with an intelligence that could think in a different realm and at a higher dimension so that he could talk to us about before even time existed, and before there was even a speck of star dust, and before God was even God.

And he could even tell us where we existed at that time of being in the form of Gods thoughts of the back part of His great mind.



102     Now, God's secret mystery, He had before the world began. Now, back in the back part of God's mind, there was something that He was trying and was going to achieve, and He had a motive in doing it, in order to let Himself be expressed. Because, first, there wasn't even a moon, star, atom, molecule, or anything. He was God. But He exactly wasn't God at that time, because God is an object of worship, and there wasn't nothing to worship Him.

103   So, in His great mind, He wanted these attributes to be expressed. And in Him was love; in Him was to be Father; in Him was to be Son; in Him was to be a Saviour; in Him was to be a Healer. And all these great attributes that we see already expressed, they were in God.



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