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End Time Message

Sun, Aug 06, 2023

The Judge of all the Earth

Duration:1 hr 19 mins 22 secs

The Judge of all the Earth

GENESIS 18:23-25

     23     ¶ And Abraham drew near, and said, Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked? (This event is taking place directly after the revealing of the secrets of Sarah’s heart of what we have seen repeat in this generation.)

     24   Peradventure there be fifty righteous within the city: wilt thou also destroy and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein?

(Abraham is interceding because he knows that the Judge of all the earth has arrived on the scene for judgement)

     25   That be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked: and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from thee: Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?

(He knows about the character of God, that it is far from God to slay the righteous with the wicked because God is very just, and that He deals very justly with every person, and so Abraham negotiates all the way down from 50 to 10 righteous people)

     32   And he said, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet but this once: Peradventure ten shall be found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for ten's sake.

For 10 righteous people living in the city, the whole city would have been saved – it is showing us something of this time right now, how that the bride must be completely taken off the earth before the judgements can fall in this hour. Because if the bride were too remained on the earth at this time of judgement, then God would spare the entire world of people for the sake of His small bride – this is what Genesis 18 is showing us here.

The Judge of all the Earth

There are secrets in the heart of every true believer that has been birthed into us by the revelation of the word for this day – and these secrets are very sacred.

Because everything we own in this dimension will pass away, but these eternal truths that God has revealed to us through the message of the hour have come to us from another world that can never pass away – and so these revealed secrets of God that we have received will one day materialise into something far greater and even more than what we could ever imagine, because these are the true riches of God. This is the laying up of treasures in heaven.

To truly know God of His character and purpose is the greatest treasure and riches of all, because He is the fountain of all life and substance. All spiritual and material things come out from that source


     1     ¶ And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire: (This is Christ – notice mercy and judgement together, like the book of Judges, mercy to the people of God and judgement upon the people of the gods of the Philistines)

     2   And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth, (Holding back Rome and America – both of those influential powers of the earth. Rome, whom the whole world is deceived by her religious influence, and America who has deceived the whole world by her moral influence – One is in the religious realm, and one is in the moral realm – The Catholic church and Hollywood.)

     3   And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices.

This event of Revelation 10:1 is the repeat of Genesis 18 again in this day, because this mighty angel of Revelation 10:1 is Christ, the same one that Abraham met in his day. He is the judge of all the earth, and he is also pronouncing righteousness on those who receives his word for this hour, and He is also pronouncing judgement on the unbelieving world that rejects mercy.


1. His Hair as White as Snow.

John first notices and mentions the whiteness of His hair. It was white, and as bright as snow. This was not because of His age. Oh, no. The brilliantly white hair does not signify age but experience, maturity, and wisdom. The Eternal One does not age. What is time to God? Time means little to God, but wisdom means much. It is as when Solomon called to God for wisdom to judge the people of Israel. Now He is coming, the Judge of all the earth.

*The book of judges is a book that shows us the cycle of human nature, of how that is more inclined to backslide away from relationship with God then it is inclined to get closer in relationship with God – this is no doubt influenced largely by the allurements of the fallen nature and flesh of man.

*Since Adam, man has been born into the world with a nature that is out of alignment with the nature of God – and so this has been the whole problem of man.

**So in the book of Judges, when the people of God would backslide from God and get themselves into a situation of being taken captive by their enemies, then in order for God to deliver His people, He would send a judge - a man on earth that He would work through for that hour in order to bring deliverance His people, and then we would also see that the judgement of God would fall on their enemies by the hand of the same judge. So the judge had two parts of mercy and judgement.

*We see this same type of pattern during the seven church ages, of when God would raise up a messenger for each age to lead a strayed people back to God for that age, but then to also condemn the age of those who rejected further light.

**So a Judge is one that Judges – he is the final authority that makes and pronounces judgement of the one who is innocent, and the one who is proven guilty.

It is surprising to notice how things can change over just a few years in peoples lives.

The influence of the world can erode peoples character in such small ways that you can hardly notice – but then when you look at the person a few years down the trail of life, then you can see the worldliness and the lukewarmness that has crept into their lives – and this applies to churches as well.

**We know that over the years, that as the young children of the Israelite parents grew up in the Promised Land among the culture of the nations that remain among them, that they began to forget the miraculous events that had first brought them into their new land.

*Memory is a gift of God, because remembering the past is able to teach us countless lessons about how we should live today. This is why the Judge lived among the people to continually remind them.

Alexander Fraser Tytler was born in October 1747. He was a Scottish advocate, judge, writer, and historian who was a Professor of Universal History. From his observation of human nature and history, he writes the following…

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years.

These nations have progressed through this sequence:

From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”

***This is the pattern that we find in the book of Judges that:

First, the people rebelled through idolatry and disbelief in the true God, then God brought judgment through foreign oppression, then the people cried out to God, then God raised up a deliverer (a judge), and then the people repented and turned back to God.

And then as long as the judge was with them, they were at the most under the protection of God because the Judge kept them in remembrance, but when the judge was removed, then the people fell back into sin, and the cycle started over again.

*So this is the same thing as what we see at the end of 2000 years and church ages – because the church had got itself so far away from the truth of the word by all the different interpretations of the bible that the Lord has come down himself as the judge of all the earth in this end time age.

And as the judge in the book of Judges, he was for the deliverance of God’s people and the destruction of the enemy – so we find that this is what the events of what is being lived out in these last days as it was in the days of Abraham and Lot and Sodom.

*From last week we saw how that this mighty Angel of Revelation 10:1 was the angel of the covenant – Christ Himself.


72-1 {29}   This seven-sealed Book is revealed at the time of the Seven Thunders of Revelations 10. If you're marking it down... Let's turn to Revelations 10 just a moment, so you'll get a understanding before we get into it. Now, this is at the end time, for listen.

... I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow... upon his head,...

If you notice that's Christ (See?), 'cause He in the Old Testament was called the Angel of the Covenant

So Revelation 10:1 is the angel of the covenant which is the true God – Christ, but then there is this god of the Philistines called Baalberith, and his name also means “lord of the covenant”, so we see here that this god of the Philistines (called Baalberith) was trying to take the position of the true God of being the angel of the covenant to the people of what was Christ’s rightful position.

**And so it is clear for us to see that the same spirit of this god of the Philistines (Baalberith) is back among us again in these last days as an Anti-Christ of an impersonator who is trying to take the place of the true God that has been revealed to His end time bride of this hour.  

*And so the whole world has fallen for this anti-Christ spirit of the god of the Philistines called Baalberith, and they are everyone worshiping him in the many forms of what he has appeared in in this hour.


121     …This naked, stripped off bunch of Laodiceans, worshiping the god of this world, through their ethics, and education, and shrewdness, and prettiness! "Come out of her," the Bible said, "be not partakers of her sins, and don't receive her plagues." God will rain hail out of the skies one day, as big as a hundred pounds apiece, and will destroy her by stoning her; like His Word always said He done, His laws.

We know that the problem in each church age was that the people of God only went so far with the word for their age, and then stopped, and when they stopped going further with the word, then they spiritually died and God had to start with a new group that would go on with a greater unfolding of truth.

**Because eternal life is when the people are able to continually feed from the eternal unfolding of the word which is the tree of life.

**That is why this end time bride age is known as the eternal church age – because the opening of the word that has been opened by the seven seals continues to unfold from when it is first opened right through the rest of eternity – and so this is what has taken place in our generation in that we are already feeding on that eternal word right now that will continue to open for us more and more from now to throughout all of eternity – we have been given full access to the inexhaustible fountain of the tree of life again in this age by the opening of the seven seals.

That is why there is no end to this bride age that we are in now - it is the eternal church age.

**So this is why we must be continually advancing in the revelation of this hour of the revealing of Christ of His character and attributes, because the whole purpose and desire of God was to make himself known to his family because God’s desire was to be fully expressed, he wanted to be known and understood by the expression of His attributes so that he would not be lonely anymore.

*So the third pull was the opening of the mysteries that were sealed in the bible of what would reveal Christ of his full attributes – it was the coming of the Lord in the form of Him revealing himself by the breaking of the bread by mysteries of the word of life in this age.

*But then we see that Satan’s third pull is also the revealing himself to his subjects – the mighty Lucifer unveiled to his end time bride in this last age also. **Satan’s first and second pull was the stage attractions of his Hollywood shows that attracted the attention of the people in order for him to then reveal himself in this third pull ministry. The mighty Lucifer unveiled to the people in this hour is in direct parallel to the Mighty God being unveiled to His end time bride in this hour.

That is why Revelation 9 is the opening of the bottomless pit, and Revelation 10 is the opening of the word – both the tree of death and the tree of life have been opened up in this end time age for all their subjects to feed on.

And so both of these trees are accessible in this age just as Adam and Eve had access to these same trees in Eden.

**We know that the spirit that was on the prophet Elijah falls on Elisha, and Eisha types the end time bride of the fivefold ministry with a double portion of the Elijah spirit of Revelation, so then Lucifer has his ministers also that he has anointed with a double portion of what Elvis Presley had, and a double portion of what Marilyn Monroe had – look at the level of all the pop singers and actors today, it is a double portion of the anointing of what we saw back in the days of Elvis and Marilyn.

**So then Satan is right now in the third pull phase of his ministry of the revealing of himself to the people in order for them to come into a union and a oneness of relationship and fellowship with him.

He wants to take up his abode in the heart of man of where God was design to live.

**Satan wants to impersonate the true God by changing his mask from an unseen spirit, into revealing himself in a many membered body of the people of the world of which he can called his bride body on earth (Mr. and Mrs. Lucifer), just as God is achieving a bride body on earth also that he can live through in this hour.


To be continued - the Lord willing...

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