
When Eve went away from the Word, she went away from her mate. And when the church goes away from the Word to a denomination, she rejects and commits fornications with the world of man's wisdom, rejecting the authority of God's Word. That sound clear? The Bible said committing spiritual fornications... Any word in the Bible that's rejected or if any self-interpretation put to It, it's absolutely rejecting and committing adultery against the God that is your Husband. An adulteress never enters the Kingdom of heaven; we know that. See? Now, see, that's what Eve done at the first place.

That's how adultery--that's how adultery is committed spiritually. When you, knowing better by the Word of God, by the intercourse of the mind, take in a lie of the devil against the Word of God: that's exactly what Eve done. With a spiritual intercourse first that come by believing Satan's lie into the womb of her mind, that polluted her soul, set death in the soul; then the natural act taken place. And that's the only way that a woman ever can commit adultery against her husband, is to first let some man talk her into it and then receive another man that's not her husband. Then she's committed adultery. And when the Bride of Jesus Christ lets man-made creeds and dogmas take the place of the Word of God, she is committing adultery.

Any bad woman can bring forth a good daughter. But watch ? What is a harlot? A prostitute. What is these ill-famed women? Is men... Is women who commit adultery and live with other men that's not their husband. And these people, these churches claim to be God's servants, and God's church, and tolerate, and do the things of the world. They commit spiritual fornication. They let their congregation's paint, their women wear shorts. And they let them go on and dress like the world and never condemn it. They let the men smoke a social cigarette and take a drink of liquor. They let them have their little card parties, and play pool in the basement, and have the proms and dances in the church, and soup suppers and ever other thing, and teach their little petty theology instead of Word of the living God. You know that's the truth.

"I'll show thee the judgment of the great whore." Now, if she was that, then she was a woman professing to be something that... She was committing adultery. Is that right? Well, then, if it was a church, she was committing adultery against God. Is that right? Then adultery would be fornications, spiritual fornications: she's teaching something to the people that's not God's Word. Is that right? She's teaching something that isn't true. That's the Nicolaitanes.

Denominations are not of God. They never have been and never will be. It's a wrong spirit that separates the people of God into hierarchy and laity; and it's, therefore, a wrong spirit that separates the people from the people. That's what organization and denominations do. In organizing they separate themselves from the Word of God, and bring themselves into spiritual adultery.

There's a many man that reads this same Bible that we read; sits in his office, preparing his message, and run upon these Truths of God, and have to bypass them. He would be afraid to preach against the women cutting their hair. His organization would turn him out. About them wearing immoral clothes and committing spiritual adultery; and about the men that--that takes a sociable drink on Christmas, and--and gets out and has a little clean American fun, tells dirty jokes, and still maintains the office as deacon. They know them things are wrong, but they're as it was in the days of Lot. We're back to that sinful place again, See?
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The same thing I was trying to say this morning about the adultery of women, dressing the way they do now. They are adulterers. In God's Book they are guilty of adultery every time they put on sexy-looking clothes. Their soul, not knowing it... I believe them women, many of them, thousands of them are innocent, and would by no means commit adultery. And the poor women, with somebody who will let them get by with it, without exposing it and tell the truth, commit adultery. Which the Bible said the whore that set upon many waters, that all the kings of the earth and the peoples of the earth, the churches and so forth, committed spiritual fornications with her, and she was the mother of harlots": denominations...