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PART 14 – THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY GHOST ………...…………... 198
What is the Baptism of the Holy Ghost?* A Biblical Description* Spirit of Power and Truth* Spirit of Revelation* Holy Spirit is a “Seal”* You are the Temple of the Holy Spirit* Baptism of the Holy Ghost is the Real New Birth* The Holy Ghost is the “Oil” That’s Required for the Rapture* The Holy Ghost Is Poured Upon All Flesh* Are Sensations and Emotions Considered as Evidence?* Is the Baptism of the Holy Ghost Allotted to a Special People?* Does Having Love and the Fruits of the Spirit Signify as Real Evidence?* Is Receiving the Message for the Age the Real Evidence* Is Holiness Part of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost?* Forgiveness and Travail for Souls as Evidence